I Talk about Picture_Bites!

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( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iojo7I5CmnA&feature=youtu.be )

Hi guys!

In this video, I talk to you about my #Picture_bites!

Picture_bites is an Instagram account solely dedicated to rating and taking pictures of food!

So continue watching it if you love food, want to know how it all started and what goes into the process of finding a good plate! 🙂


My First Ever Make Up Video!


Hi guys!

So this is my first ever attempt at making my very own make up video. It’s a very simple make up look suitable for anyone who wants to look “natural.” hahaha.

I still need to fix the lighting and come up with a strategy and stuff for next time but I thought I’d give it a try!

Also, if you want to know about any of the products that I have used throughout, just hit me up in the comment section.

Hope you like it 🙂
